Friday, November 28, 2008

E.R. Run

The boys have been fighting colds off and on since Saturday, right after they got their flu shots. Eli has a runny nose and cough but no fever. Nic has had a fever off and on since then with a runny nose. Yesterday afternoon right after his nap he was kind of playing but then at dinner he wouldn't eat and he is my big eater. He crawled down onto the tile and laid there and then got up and went and laid on the den floor. I go and pick him up and he is burning up, check is temp and it is almost 102, second time this week. I gave him Tylenol and got him to drink a couple sips of Gatorade but he just laid on the floor all limp, so I call Doug and then the pediatrician and Doug again, the decision is to go to the emergency room. We make our way there and get in no problem, no one in waiting room, a good sign, think again. They take us to triage, Eli stayed in the waiting room with my mother-in-law, the nurse weighed him and checked his temp, even higher than at home, they send us back to waiting room there are no rooms available. After about fifteen/twenty minutes we go back to a room and were told a nurse would be in to see us. Over two hours later still not a nurse or doctor in sight, it was like a ghost town around there. By then the Tylenol was working some and I had gotten him to eat some and even drink, so a consensus between Doug, his mom and I, we leave and nobody said anything to us. I get home and give Nic some Motrin, temp 100, not bad, he slept all night and we have been rotating Tylenol and Motrin all day and are doing his breathing treatments. Luckily, we still had some on hand, but this is usually what happens when he gets a cold so we are back to doing them two times a day until his cold his gone.

On a side note, I was going to do my first Black Friday this morning, but after getting the boys in bed and trying to relax a little is was midnight before I knew it. I wasn't about to get up at four in the morning to be in town by five, just plain crazy. I did go this afternoon while Nic was down for his nap, Eli got to have a little quality time with Dad for a little bit. A very good two hours by myself and I got almost everything on my list, pretty good. And all my boys loved it when I got home, now doesn't that make you feel good when you hear, "Mommy's home" as you walk in the door. The boys are asleep, Doug is on his way to Little Rock and I need to pick up a few toys and put them away before I can go to sleep. A crazy twenty-four hours, I can at least say my life isn't boring with all that goes on around here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG that is SCARY though!! I hate when our kids are sick :( Hope they get better quick!