Friday, September 5, 2008

I need some mommy time

Do you every have those days every once in a while and say "hey I need a little bit of me time?" It is not always that easy, chasing kids around, doing laundry, cleaning the house and the list goes on and on. I used to relish the fact that every three weeks, sometimes two, I would get to go and get a spa pedicure. Call me spoiled but I love them and they are relaxing. I have an hour to not think about anything and just relax, read a magazine and feel like I am "Daniele" again and not just mommy or honey. But I haven't had one since June (doing them yourself really doesn't count), with Doug working alot and me taking care of the boys, who has time. It is not always easy trying to paint your toes and keep the boys from getting into everything at the same time, especially when they want to know what are you doing. Doug doesn't get alot of down time either and this is what we signed up for when we decided to have children. It's just that sometimes you don't always feel appreciated for everything you do, especially when they are sick and dad's out of town. I guess being supermom for my boys takes on a whole new meaning. You better believe that Starbucks in Claremore will most likely be getting my business two mornings a week after Eli goes to preschool, although Nic will be with me, he pretty much chills in his car seat on the ride home. Take what you can get, when you can get it.

1 comment:

megan k said...

It's funny you posted that picture b/c I told Matt I wanted to go get my toes done. ;)

Oh and Coop is already going bald. They say it's your mother's father who determines your baldness or not. Well, my dad is completely bald so Coop doesn't stand a chance. Matt's balding too. ahah Don't tell him I said that.