Monday, September 22, 2008


My little monkey or bruiser as we have called him since he was born otherwise known as Nicolas sure knows how to make his mom's heart jump and keeps her on her toes. His latest discover is climbing into his crib, not necessarily climbing but diving. He steps up on the rail and can't quite climb over the rail just yet so instead he leans over and dives in, very hilarious to watch. No I don't have any pictures my memory card is full, apparently I need to get one that holds more pictures, I believe there is at least 180 pictures on there. Mr. Nic can get in but can't get out, which I love by the way because once he is able to get out that means a big boy bed and I am not ready to turn him loose just yet. He has also figured out how to climb up on the counters without using a chair all he had to do was watch Eli a couple of times. Not once but twice last night did he do this while I was vacuuming. We have a jar of Dum Dum suckers on the counter, now they are on top of the refrigerator, if he can figure out how to get up there I am definitely in trouble.

Eli or bubba as we call him is my instigator, he always tells Nic what to do and of course Nic always does whatever it is. Pretty clever thinking for a little guy, knowing he is not the one who is going to get in trouble, but alas, mom figured it out pretty quickly but you can't be slow on your feet because there is always something new around the corner. This week is a busy week, I have at least two things to do outside of my house everyday except today. I am going to try and get things done early tomorrow morning or late afternoon because I would love to go watch the high school softball game. Some people might not like it but I love it! My old high school is coming up here to play and they aren't doing to shabby this year, apparently they think they might make it to state this year and they haven't been since I was a freshman. Oh the memories of playing, it was some of the most fun I ever had growing up. Well better get back to the laundry and my little monkey is waking from his nap.

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