Tuesday, September 23, 2008

4 years ago today....

On this day four years ago I went to what I hoped would be my final doctor's visit before our new addition to our family arrived. Upon the end of the exam my doctor informed me that I was just starting to dilate and would most likely take a while, at least another week, before I was ready to have this monkey. So we scheduled another visit for the next Thursday and would be going in to be induced after that, finally we would meet this little person who had been doing a break dance in my uterus. I had a great pregnancy with Eli, although we didn't want to know what we were having, the only thing major was the horrible heartburn. Tums were my best friend from the get go and I always had them with me no matter what. For the ultrasound we asked the doctor not to tell us and you could tell he was having a hard time not saying anything for the remainder of my pregnancy. But we were fully prepared, we even picked out a boy and girl outfit to take with us to the hospital, bags were packed, car seat ready, we were just waited for d-day to arrive. Doug wanted all girls and look what we have, just goes to show you shouldn't say things out loud all of the time. Although I wouldn't trade my boys for anything in the world. I will let everyone know more probably tomorrow, I promise it is definitely scary and a little funny (at least now anyway).

1 comment:

megan k said...

We didn't know what Cooper was, but we knew with Chloe. I enjoyed not knowing, but it drove Matt crazy.