Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Letter of confusion????

On Tuesday I received a letter from our Life Insurance Company, this is what it said.

Dear Mrs. .........

Please allow me this opportunity to apologize for the claim letter that was mailed to Mr. ...... This letter was mailed in error and we have corrected our records.

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact our office.

Claims Department

Now understand my confusion while reading this knowing who this letter is coming from. We carry life insurance on both of us and with this insurance if something were to happen to either one of us or both then the house would be paid off. So, I set it aside and think nothing more of it until Doug gets home and then ask him about it. Well apparently, when he went to pay the premium the computer was showing no payment and sent to claims. He calls confused and finds out that apparently the insurance company received a death certificate for me and a claim was sent off so that our house would be paid off. So image my surprise when he tells me this. Last I checked I was alive and breathing at least I think I am, there are days that is debatable. Come to find out someone at the insurance office accidentally entered someone else's death certificate under my insurance and Bam, that is the end of me. You would think people would pay closer attention to important things like this. It makes you wonder what are people really doing at work and not paying attention to very important items such as this.


Melinda said...

You'd think they would check and double check that sort of stuff...although it could've really worked out nicely for you - just think: no more house payments (ahhhhh - what to do with all that extra money?!) : )

Dawn said...

Yikes! That would have kind of freaked me out to think I was dead for a moment! LOL!

I'm glad you got it straightened out.

megan k said...

That's crazy..

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

So my big question is...IS YOUR MORTGAGE PAID OFF?! Ha ha. I know, it's not really funny, but you know, that's the first thing I thought was wow...I wonder if the insurance actually went through with it and paid off the mortgage...

Glad you're not deceased. :)

Daniele said...

My mortgage being paid off would have been great but all is fixed now. But it was in the process to be paid off.